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Firestone, CO

Mayor Bobbi Sindelar

The Town of Firestone Board of Trustees has undertaken a High-Speed Broadband Initiative to explore options and opportunities to better connect our community with affordable and reliable internet access. Through this initiative is our intent to explore a range of alternatives available for promoting advanced broadband services to Firestone citizens, businesses and Town agencies.

There is no single solution to achieving our broadband objectives. There are no pre-determined conclusions. Nothing has been ruled in or out. In fact, thanks to Firestone voter’s overwhelming support of Ballot Question 1 in 2018, the community is now permitted to consider (without interference) “…a variety of options to serve the broadband needs of residents, including pursuit of business partnerships with private companies to increase the community’s access to broadband services.” 

Please visit www.firestoneco.gov/broadband for current information.