Local Leadership Took Center Stage at League of California Cities 2022 Annual Conference and Expo

Swearing-in ceremony for the League of California Cities’ new board of directors and officers.

The League of California Cities is a California state advocacy association that defends and expands local control through advocacy. Its advocacy efforts inform and educate the public, policymakers, and local leaders statewide.

This year, the League of California Cities held their Annual Conference and Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center from September 7-9, 2022. The convening featured hundreds of leaders from various levels of city government, including mayors, council members, city staff, and more. All came together seeking the latest knowledge and resources to advance their communities. 

At the conference, twelve cities received the prestigious Helen Putnam Award for Excellence for outstanding local programs. Specifically, the team from the City of Placentia was recognized for their efforts to increase broadband access and adoption in their community. The City partnered with SiFi Networks to establish “Placentia FiberCity” to provide broadband access for residents and businesses. Local leaders developed a new microtrenching construction strategy which allows for faster, more cost-effective broadband deployment. 

In addition to awarding community efforts, technology innovation sessions included:

  • Scaling Up: Fostering Innovation Through Technology Pilot Projects highlighting why pilot projects are a transformative low-cost strategy for exploring technological solutions;
  • The Secrets to Building Tech Economies in Underestimated Cities on how an agricultural town successfully diversified its economy and became a hub for technology careers, businesses and digital infrastructure;
  • Legal Issues: Wireless Permitting on how to address new challenges in wireless facilities permitting; and 
  • How Bias-Free Technologies Can Play a Role in Reimagining Policing on how cities can reshape policing while keeping communities safe. 
Roxy Barboza, NCC’s Program Director.

Program Director, Roxy Barboza, supports member municipalities in California and met with local leaders at the conference. Local leader emphasized the importance of developing community-centric resources for long-term broadband planning. Several explained how the FCC’s Affordability Connectivity Program Consumer Outreach Toolkit, forums that help communities to develop technology solutions, and platforms that allow cities to get together to learn about each other’s efforts supported their efforts.

NCC provides local leaders with opportunities to collaborate with one another in communities nationwide. For local leaders in California, the 2023 Annual Conference and Expo, scheduled for September 20-22 in Sacramento, California, will be another chance to engage. Visit the League of California Cities for more information. 

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